Spatiotemporal dynamics of fast electron heating in solid-density matter via XFEL


High-intensity, short-pulse lasers are crucial for generating energetic electrons that produce high-energy-density (HED) states in matter, offering potential applications in igniting dense fusion fuels for fast ignition laser fusion. High-density targets heated by these electrons exhibit spatially non-uniform and highly transient conditions, which have been challenging to characterize due to limitations in diagnostics that provide simultaneous high spatial and temporal resolution. Here, we employ an X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) to achieve spatiotemporally resolved measurements at sub-micron and femtosecond scales on a solid-density copper foil heated by laser-driven fast electrons. Our X-ray transmission imaging reveals the formation of a solid-density hot plasma localized to the laser spot size, surrounded by Fermi degenerate, warm dense matter within a picosecond, and the energy relaxation occurring within the hot plasma over tens of picoseconds. These results validate 2D particle-in-cell simulations incorporating atomic processes and provide insights into the energy transfer mechanisms beyond current simulation capabilities. This work significantly advances our understanding of rapid fast electron heating and energy relaxation in solid-density matter, serving as a key stepping stone towards efficient high-density plasma heating and furthering the fields of HED science and inertial fusion energy research using intense, short-pulse lasers.

In Nature Communications
Hiroshi Sawada
Hiroshi Sawada
Associate Professor of Physics

My primary research interests are experimental studies of high intensity laser-matter interaction, the creation of warm and hot dense matter using laser-driven relativistic electrons and energetic ions, and inertial fusion energy.